
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Mr. & Mrs. West

Well we’re officially married!!! So incredibly bizarre yet absolutely thrilling to call Ryan my husband. We were married in Cancun, Mexico on August 1, 2015 barefoot on the beach. It was perfect!


The most amazing family and friends that we’re beyond grateful for!

I love this man so much...
More pictures to come : )

Thursday, June 4, 2015

My Heart

Guess it’s been a while since my last post… We’ve kept pretty busy since the New Year, especially since we’ve been planning a wedding! Ryan surprised me with an engagement ring the day before Christmas Eve and just thinking about that moment makes me grin from ear to ear! He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I don’t quite know what I ever did to deserve such an amazing man. I couldn’t have found someone more perfect for me and I’m beyond blessed to have him by my side. 

Proposal night

Since we had plans to spend Christmas Eve with my family and then Christmas Day with Ryan’s family in Midland, we waited to tell everyone in person. It was so much fun to see everyone’s reaction and we even got some on video!

I can’t wait to be his Mrs. : ) 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Vacation and Relaxation

We were due for a vacation and somehow ended up taking two within the last couple of weeks. It’s made for a busy month, especially since it’s the holiday season and Ryan just started a new job, but it’s also sure been fun!
First we went to New Orleans with some friends. We spent most of our time eating and sitting at bars watching college football. Let me tell ya that the gumbo in New Orleans is amazing, I had it with just about every meal except breakfast, that was my line ; )
At Pat O’Briens with my love  


Next we went to Cancun. Talk about relaxing, beautiful, fun the list goes on and on… We stayed at Secrets Silversands and pretty much were beach bums for four days straight. Our time was spent tanning, swimming, walking the beach and most important eating! The food at the resort was so good, unfortunately, we didn’t stay long enough to try all the restaurants so it’s an excuse to go back someday : )
I didn’t keep a camera on me much (didn’t want it to get wet etc) but we still managed to take a few pictures….
View from our room

 A little selfie action on the beach

Someone saw us taking selfies and offered to take a pic : )

Love this guy!

Gobble Gobble!

This year we had 2 Thanksgiving, both delicious and oh so filling. I swear I gained 10 pounds between both meals. First we hosted Thanksgiving for my family on Wednesday; it was way more work than I ever could have imagined so I didn’t really get a chance to snap a lot of pictures. All the work was worth it and I would do it again next year! ; )




Thursday, Ryan went to the A&M game so we didn’t head to the lake until Friday. We had Thanksgiving dinner that night with everyone and then spent the rest of the weekend just hanging out. I love going to the lake house, it’s so relaxing and fun to be with the West family. Per the usual I didn’t really take a lot of pictures, in fact I only managed to snap one but it was a good one. Jacob and his Uncle Ryan : )


And that was our Thanksgiving, nothing crazy but we sure had some delicious food and were blessed to spend so much time with our loved ones.  



Munchkin is Finally Here

He’s here; well he’s been here for over a month now I’m just a little late in my post, ha ha! Nicholas Xavier Botello was born on November 6, 2014 and boy is he a cutie. We’re all so in love with him and it’s so fun having a baby around again! Here are just a few pictures of our new nephew:  

This one was taken at the hospital.

Here he is with a bib I got him ; )
And of course an A&M bib from Uncle Ryan, start them early!

My Sister sent me this one last night, and it's a favorite! 

 And that's Nico, love love love him!


Monday, November 3, 2014


This year Halloween fell on a Friday, but since we were getting up way too early the next day for the A&M game we had a low key night. First we went over to Koby and Sarah’s to see the kiddos in their costumes. They were absolutely adorable!!!  

Afterwards we went home to give out candy but first I had Ryan help me dress Sandy in her costume.
As you can tell from the picture, she was less than amused. ; )

We ended the night at the neighbor’s annual Halloween party. I didn’t snap any pictures but there was lots of karaoke action so it was fun!


Monday, October 20, 2014

What We’ve Been Up To

Boy has October flown by, it’s almost Halloween! Since my last post, we’ve hosted a baby shower, celebrated birthdays, enjoyed some Aggie football and had the chance to spend some time with the latest West baby.
Let’s start off with some pictures of baby West, what a cutie! I love his little feet and hands and that baby smell, he’s just absolutely adorable! Last week we went over for dinner and were able to hold him, he’s just so soft and snuggles on your chest so sweetly.
I caught him yawning and it was just too cute not to share.
Speaking of babies, my older sister is due with her third baby in November (although we’re betting he’ll make his appearance much sooner). So last month my cousin and I hosted a baby shower for her and it was a blast. Unfortunately, I don’t have the pictures yet but when I do I’ll post them. For now all I have is a selfie I took with Ryan that day. ; )
So since my new nephew is set to arrive soon, my sister wanted to celebrate some upcoming birthdays while she still had some free time. The boys decided to go paintballing for my nephew’s birthday and the girls went to brunch for my little sister’s birthday. Brunch was delicious and I heard paintballing was a blast; I’ll take their word for it because I just don’t see myself trying it anytime soon!
Besides spending time with family we’ve also been enjoying some college football. Ryan is a huge fan so I’ve learned to really enjoy it too. A couple weeks back we went to the A&M vs Ole Miss game and although the Aggies didn’t win, there was a huge group that went together so we had a blast. I only managed to snap one picture (I’m horrible at this picture taking thing) and it happened to be on the bus ride there, but I guess one is better than none. : )
And that’s what we’ve been up to, not incredibly exciting but we wouldn’t have it any other way. ; )